Autoimmun oophorit |
Kämpa mot covid-19 |
Lösning |
Hur man förbättrar immuniteten |
Öka immuniteten effektivt |
COVID-19 vacciner |
Skydda barn och familjemedlemmar | Dubbel skydd |
Öka snabbt 300% GSH |
Öka immuniteten effektivt.
COVID-19 Vacciner / speciell sjukdom
Glutation (GSH) + COVID-19 Vaccin + Negativ jon (-ION) = Superförsvar
Glutation (GSH) / COVID-19
Vad är glutation (GSH)?
Öka snabbt 300% glutation (GSH).
Mer vetenskaplig grund
Vem använder?
hur man använder ?
COVID-19 virusinfektionsväg
Negativ jon (-ION) / Virus
Negativa joner (-ION)
Hur ökar de negativa jonerna (-ION) i kroppen?
Följande är meddelandedelning.
Inte en diagnostisk metod.
Om du har någon sjukdom.
Så snart som möjligt.
Vänligen sök medicinsk behandling.
Öka immuniteten effektivt
1. COVID-19 vacciner
2. Öka immuniteten - snabbt öka glutation (GSH)
3. Negativa joner (-ION) undertrycker virus
Hälso tips
Förhållandet mellan lever och immunitet
Under epidemin fokuserade alla på vacciner.
Alla hoppas kunna släcka det invaderande viruset med antikropparna som produceras efter injektionen, men de är oroliga för att vaccinet inte kommer att kunna bekämpa det ständigt föränderliga viruset.
Men varför någon är infekterad med covid-19 men den är mild eller asymptomatisk.
Det visar sig att alla har försummat naturens utveckling.
Gud har länge gett mänskligheten förmågan att skydda sig själv.
Levern är människokroppens immunsystem i första linjen och det största retikuloendoteliala systemet (mononukleärt fagocytsystem, MPS) i människokroppen.
Kupffer-cellerna i blodkärlen i levern kan svälja det invaderande viruset första gången och sedan initiera ett immunsvar för att samordna kampen.
Samtidigt är levern en tillverkningsplats som tillhandahåller 80-90% immunglobulinmaterial.
Därför krävs en hälsosam lever för att stärka kroppens immunförsvar.GSH stärker kroppens immunitet.
Människor med god immunitet kommer att producera högre antikroppar efter att ha injicerats med vaccinet och kommer att få bättre skydd.
Särskilt personer med dålig immunfunktion bör stärka sin immunitet innan de injicerar vaccinet.
Antikroppar produceras endast om immuniteten förstärks och vaccinet injiceras.
Detta kommer att producera antikroppar
På detta sätt kommer antikroppar att produceras.
Det är normalt att ha feber efter vaccination.
Feber under 37.8°C är normal.
Feber över 37.8°C kan ta läkemedel mot feber (PANADOL).
SolamarginE har antiinflammatoriska och antiviruseffekter.
SolamarginE påverkar inte vaccininjektionen.
COVID-19 Vaccin / specifik sjukdom
Hur producerar vaccination antikroppar?
Vaccination är som att göra övningar i förväg
Motståndet mot det kommande kriget är detsamma.
Nyligen dog de äldre plötsligt inom några dagar efter att ha vaccinerats.
Samma koncept.
Du går för att få rigorös träning.
Under de första dagarna kommer du att drabbas av ryggont och obehag.
Efter några dagar kommer du gradvis att stimulera kroppens motstånd.
Du kommer att bli starkare om några månader.
Men en soldat som just har gått med i armén, och hans kropp är mycket svag.
Svaga soldater är benägna att plötsligt dö om de är övertränade.
På samma sätt, om äldre redan är mycket svaga.
Vaccination för äldre är som utbildning för rekryter.
Vissa äldre kan inte klara strikt utbildning.
Så den gamla mannen dog plötsligt några dagar efter att ha vaccinerats.
Därför är det ett dilemma för äldre och personer med dålig immunitet att vaccinera.
Svaga människor rekommenderas för att förstärka immuniteten först.
stanna hemma.
Isolera viruset.
Vidta självskyddsåtgärder.
Unga människor kan delta i rigorös träning om de vill stärka sin fysiska kondition.
Äldre (svaga människor) kan dock bara välja "gå, gå" om de vill stärka sin fysiska styrka.
Äldre (svaga människor) är inte lämpliga för strikt fysisk träning.
Vacciner klassificeras inte.
Vacciner är inte uppdelade i starka, medelstora och svaga människor.
Alla vaccininjektionsdoser är lika.
För att förbättra de äldres fysiska styrka arrangeras äldre med samma rigorösa träning som de unga.
Starka gamla människor klarar rigorös träning.
De svagare äldre kan dö plötsligt.
Traditionella och mogna vacciner är mycket säkrare än vaccin med nödtillstånd efter en lång period av forskning och testning.
Traditionella och mogna vacciner är som mogen och säker träning.
Din träningsprocess är mycket säker och det finns skyddsåtgärder.
Men de nuvarande COVID-19-vaccinerna är alla nödåtgärder.
Vaccinerna för nödtillstånd är som tillfällig träningsutrustning och träningsprocess, vilket är relativt osäkert.
Så du vet att din kropp är svag, skynda dig inte för att få vaccinet (Strikt träning
Det finns kontraindikationer mot något vaccin: feber, sjukdom, ...
För när du är sjuk är din kropps motstånd värst.
Därför bör äldre eller personer som är svaga inte riskera att vaccineras.
Ta isoleringsskyddsåtgärder.
bära mask.
Minska kontakten med publiken.
Istället vaccinerar vårdgivare som tar hand om äldre och patienter först.
Vårdgivare bör först hjälpa till att isolera skyddscirkeln för att skydda de svaga.
Du måste träna hårt för att öka immunitet och fysisk styrka.
Är du en riskgrupp för vaccination?
Du borde diskutera och föreslå med din husläkare.
Utvärdera och bestäm sedan själv och din familj.
Covid-19-vaccin - Vanliga frågor
Paul Sax, MD, professor i medicin vid Harvard Medical School och specialist på infektionssjukdomar, ger korta och engagerande svar på klinikerens frågor om Covid-19-vaccination.
Vanliga frågor om COVID-19-vaccination
COVID-19-vaccin | Kunskap är makt
F: Jag har feber efter vaccinet, behöver jag träffa en läkare?
F: Vilken typ av människor är mer benägna att utveckla vaccininducerad trombos?
F: Vilka är symtomen på blodproppar orsakade av vaccinet?
F: Kan jag administrera COVID-vaccinet om jag har en historia av tromboembolisk sjukdom?
F: Jag tar hormoner / preventivmedel. Kan jag få vaccinet? Hur länge ska jag stoppa drogen?
F: Jag tar antikoagulantia, kan jag få vaccinet?
F: Jag har precis avslutat HPV / HBV / MMR ... vaccinet, hur länge kan jag få COVID-vaccinet?
F: Kan Streptococcus pneumoniae-vaccinet minska COVID-infektion?
F: Kan jag få ett vaccin om jag har feber?
F: Kan jag få vaccinet om jag är gravid?
F: Jag har G6PD-brist, kan jag få ett vaccin?
F: Kan jag få ett vaccin om jag tar antivirala läkemedel?
F: Kan patienter med osteoporos vaccineras?
6. Använd immunsuppressiva medel
8. Patienter med låga blodplättar eller andra koagulationsstörningar
9. Gemenskapsslagstationer, långtidsinstitutioner eller personer med begränsad rörlighet
Biverkningar och kontraindikationer
5. trombos och trombocytopenisyndrom
Immunkomprometterade patienter och COVID-19-vacciner
COVID-19-vacciner erbjuder kanske inte fullständigt skydd för personer med nedsatt immunförsvar
ByDr. Amanda Benarroch, Olivia Davies och Dr. Karine Tawagi
Hur påverkar COVID-19-vaccin personer med nedsatt immunförsvar?
Är COVID-19-vaccinet säkert för personer med nedsatt nedsättning?
12 saker människor med lupus borde veta om COVID-19-vaccinet
COVID-19-vaccin och lupus | Lupus Foundation of America
Glutation (GSH) + COVID-19 Vaccin + Negativ jon (-ION) = Superförsvar
Glutation (GSH) + COVID-19 Vaccin + Negativ jon (-ION) = Superskydd
Glutation (GSH) / COVID-19
Kan glutationutarmning vara den trojanska hästen för COVID-19-dödligheten?
Rollen med glutation i skydd mot det svåra inflammatoriska svaret utlöst av COVID-19
Glutationstillskott som tilläggsbehandling i COVID-19
Vad är glutation (GSH)?
Glutation är en kraftfull antioxidant som finns i varje cell i kroppen.
Glutation är ett ämne tillverkat av aminosyrorna glycin, cystein och glutaminsyra.
Glutation produceras naturligt i levern och är involverat i många processer i kroppen.
Glutation är involverat i metabolismen av toxiner och cancerframkallande ämnen, DNA-syntes och reparation, protein- och prostaglandinsyntes, aminosyratransport, immunsystemfunktion, förebyggande av oxidativ cellskada och enzymaktivering.
Glutationens huvudfunktioner inkluderar:
• skapa DNA, byggstenarna för proteiner och celler
• stödja immunfunktionen
• bilda spermaceller
• bryta ner några fria radikaler
• hjälper vissa enzymer att fungera
• regenererande vitamin C och E
• transporterar kvicksilver ur hjärnan
• hjälpa levern och gallblåsan att hantera fett
• hjälpa regelbunden celldöd (en process som kallas apoptos)
Öka snabbt och effektivt 300% glutation (GSH)
1. Unikt globalt ljusvåg signal patch
2. Den minsta bärbara ljusvågsenheten
3. Lightwave-princip
4. Icke-invasiv
5. Inga läkemedelsingredienser
6. Icke-transdermalt plåster
7. Öka snabbt och effektivt 300% glutation (GSH)
Ett nytt sätt att öka glutationnivån i kroppen.
1. LifeWave-glutationplåstret är en ny metod för att öka glutationnivåerna genom att stimulera akupunkturpunkter på kroppen med en kombination av tryck och infraröd energi.
2. LifeWave-glutationplåstret är ett plåster utan hud som inte lägger några kemikalier eller läkemedel i kroppen.
3. LifeWave-glutationplåstret innehåller naturliga icke-toxiska kristaller som absorberar kroppsvärme för att generera infraröda signaler som får kroppen att producera mer endemisk glutation.
4. Kliniska studier som använder blodanalyser indikerar en genomsnittlig ökning av mer än tredubblat blodglutation under en period av 24 timmar.
Vem använder?
Hur man använder?
1. Det bästa läget
2. En plats om dagen | Förändring i rotation | Turas om
3. Placera direkt på det smärtsamma eller skadade området.
4. Börja lappa när du behöver det. Det kan vara när som helst på dygnet.
5. Om den används i mer än 24 timmar. Använd den nya plåstret.
6. Var väl hydrerad, 6 till 8 glas kvalitetsvatten dagligen kommer att vara perfekt.
7. Drick 1 glas vatten innan du applicerar / byter LifeWave-lappar.
8. Stick på kläderna. Undvik hudirritation.
9. Förbättra barns allergier
10. Älskar levern
Placera inte produkten på
1. Direkt solljus
2. Runt det starka magnetfältet
3. På grund av temperaturens effekt. Förvara i hög temperatur. Det är lätt att tappa nyttan.
4. Felaktig lagring kan lätt förlora sin effektivitet.
5. Hög temperatur
i en bil med hög temperatur
Lägg det i fickorna på dina byxor och kläder. Lägg i en ficka att bära. Friktionsuppvärmning. Aktivering av kroppsinduktionHoppas!
Alla patienter.
Bli snabbt fri från sjukdom.
Alla sjukdomar hos varelser elimineras.
Aldrig stöta på sjukdom.
Den bästa presenten till älskade
Kvalitet garanteras
COVID-19 virusinfektionsväg
Det första steget i processen med COVID-19-virusinfektion är den elektrostatiska attraktionen mellan viruset och cellen.
COVID-19 virus spikprotein är positivt laddat.
Cellreceptorn (ACE2) är negativt laddad.
Attraktionen av positiva och negativa elektroder är den fysiska grunden för infektionen.
Negativ jon (-ION) / Virus
Hur man stoppar COVID-19-virusinfektionen.
När viruset omges av negativa joner.
Viruset verkar befinna sig i ett kaotiskt utrymme.
Så viruset kan inte hitta cellreceptor.
Negativa joner kan effektivt hämma virusinfektion.
Hur producerar jag negativa joner?
Negativa elektriska fält kan generera negativa joner.
Negativa joner kan effektivt hämma / blockera viruset från att infektera celler.
När kroppen är full av negativa joner (-ION).
Negativa joner undertrycker infektionen av viruset.
Vid denna tidpunkt har immunceller tillräckligt med tid för att rensa viruset från kroppen.
Joniserande luft påverkar influensavirusinfektivitet och förhindrar överföring av luft
Effekt av negativ luftjonisering på luftburen överföring av Newcastle disease-virus
Apparat för att generera negativa luftjoner: Inaktivering av koronavirus
Negativa joner (-jon)
Främja blodcirkulationen funktion
Förhindra förekomst av hjärtinfarkt och högt blodtryck
Hur ökar de negativa jonerna (-ION) i kroppen?
Negativ jon (-ION) hälsoutrustning
När kroppen är full av negativa joner (-ION).
Negativa joner undertrycker infektionen av viruset.
Vid denna tidpunkt har immunceller tillräckligt med tid för att rensa viruset från kroppen.
Den bästa lösningen för cancer
#Abdominal mass
#Abdominal pain
#Abdominal pain (infantile colic)
#Abnormal feces
#Abnormal glucose tolerance test
#Abnormal involuntary movements
#Abnormal liver function test
#Abnormal loss of weight
#Abnormal weight gain
#Abnormality of gait
#Abnormality of urination
#Aboriton, missed
#Abortion complication
#Abortion, complete
#Abortion, incomplete
#Abortion, threatened
#Abscess of Bartholin's gland
#Abscess, cellulitis or lymphadenitis
#Acanthosis nigricans
#Accidental fall
#Achilles tendinitis
#Achilles tendon contracture
#Acne vulgaris
#Acquired deformity of limb
#Acquired equinovarus deformity
#Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)
#Actinic keratosis
#Acute / subacute iridocyclitis
#Acute angle-closure glaucoma
#Acute appendicitis
#Acute bronchiolitis
#Acute bronchitis
#Acute bronchitis
#Acute cerebral vascular disease
#Acute cerebrovascular disease
#Acute chorditis
#Acute confusional state
#Acute conjunctivitis
#Acute conjuntivitis
#Acute corditis
#Acute cystitis
#Acute dacryocystitis
#Acute epiglottitis
#Acute febrile mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome (MCLS)
#Acute gastritis
#Acute gastroenteritis
#Acute glomerulonephritis
#Acute glomerulonephritis
#Acute infective polyneuritis
#Acute laryngitis
#Acute lung edema
#Acute lymphadenitis
#Acute myeloid leukemia
#Acute myocardial infarction
#Acute myringitis
#Acute nasopharyngitis(common cold)
#Acute otitis externa
#Acute otitis media
#Acute pancreatitis
#Acute pharyngitis
#Acute pyelonephritis
#Acute renal failure
#Acute renal failure with tubular necrosis
#Acute sinusitis
#Acute tonsillitis
#Acute tracheitis
#Acute upper respiratory infection
#Acute upper respiratory infections
#Adhesion ileus
#Adhesive capsulitis of shoulder
#Adrenocortical carcinoma
#Affective disorder
#After cataract
#Age-related macular degeneration
#AIDS-related cancers
#AIDS-related lymphoma
#Alcohol drunkenness
#Alcoholic drunkenness
#Alcoholic gastritis
#Alcoholic liver cirrhosis
#Alcoholic liver damage
#Alcoholic liver disease
#ALL | Acute lymphoblastic leukemia
#Allergic conjunctivitis
#Allergic reaction
#Allergic rhinitis
#Alopecia and hair loss
#Alopecia areata
#Alternation of consciousness
#Alzheimer's disease
#Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
#Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
#Anal cancer
#Anal fissure
#Anemia (acute blood loss)
#Anemia (folate deficiency)
#Anemia (iron deficiency)
#Anemia (vitamin B12 deficiency)
#Anemia of prematurity
#Angina pectoris
#Angioneurotic edema
#Angle recession glaucoma traumatic glaucoma
#Angular cheilitis
#Ankylosing spondylitis
#Ankylosing spondylitis
#Anomalies of cerebrovascular system
#Anomalies of larynx, trachea, and bronchus (laryngomalacia, or tracheomalacia, congenital)
#Anomaly of heart
#Anoxic brain damage
#Anoxic brain damage
#Antepartum examination (Supervision of other normal pregnancy)
#Antepartum hemorrhage (APH)
#Anterior cruciate ligament tear (old)
#Anxiety (stress reaction)
#Anxiety neurosis
#Anxiety state
#Aphthous ulcer
#Appendix cancer
#Arnold-chiari syndrome
#Arteriosclerotic dementia
#Arthritis, post-traumatic
#Artificial abortion
#Atony of bladder
#Atopic dermatitis
#Atrial fibrillation
#Atrial flutter
#Back pain
#Background diabetic retinopathy
#Bacterial infection
#Bacterial meningitis
#Baker’s cyst
#Baker's cyst
#Basal cell carcinoma
#Basal-cell carcinoma
#Basilar artery syndrome
#Bed sore
#Behcet's syndrome
#Bell’s palsy
#Bell's palsy
#Benign brain tumor
#Benign breast tumor
#Benign cerebral meninges tumor
#Benign cranial nerve tumor
#Benign hyperplasia of prostate
#Benign intracranial hypertension
#Benign neoplasm of breast
#Benign neoplasm of connective tissue
#Benign neoplasm of salivary glands
#Benign neoplasm of skin
#Benign neoplasm of thyroid gland
#Benign ovarian tumor
#Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo
#Benign prostate hypertrophy
#Benign scalp tumor
#Benign skull tumor
#Benign spinal cord tumor
#Benign spinal meninges tumor
#Benign tumor of eyelid / Canthus
#Benign uterine tumor
#Bile duct cancer
#Biliary atresia
#Birth asphyxia in liveborn infant
#Birth trauma
#Bladder cancer
#Bladder neck contracture
#Bladder stone
#Blighted ovum
#Blind hypertensive eye/Absolute glaucoma
#Blow-out fracture of orbital wall
#Bone cancer
#Bone metastasis
#Bone tumor
#Bowen's disease
#Brachial plexus injury
#Brain cancer
#Brain concussion
#Brain contusion
#Brain tumor
#Brainstem glioma
#Branch retinal venous occlusion
#Branchial cleft cyst
#Branchial plexus lesions
#Breast cancer
#Breast fibroadenosis
#Breast tumor
#Breech presentation, undelivered
#Bronchial adenomas
#Bronchiolitis, acute
#Bronchitis, acute
#Bullous dermatosis
#Burkitt's lymphoma
#Burn of eye and adnexa
#Burn of face and head
#Burn of lower limb
#Burn of trunk
#Burn of upper limb
#Burn of wrist and hand
#Burning of eye and adnexa
#Bursitis of hip
#Bursitis of shoulder
#Bursitis of wrist
#Calcaneal spur
#Cancer of bone and articular cartilage
#Cancer of bone and cartilage
#Cancer of breast, female
#Cancer of cervix
#Cancer of colon
#Cancer of connective and soft tissue
#Cancer of connective tissue
#Cancer of esophagus
#Cancer of gastrointestinal and peritoneum
#Cancer of Gastrointestinal tract
#Cancer of lung
#Cancer of mouth
#Cancer of ovary
#Cancer of pancreas
#Cancer of prostate
#Cancer of rectum
#Cancer of stomach
#Cancer of thyroid gland
#Cancer of unknown primary
#Cancer of unspecified site
#Candidiasis (oral thrush)
#Candidiasis of mouth
#Carbuncle and furuncle
#Carbuncles and furuncles
#Carcinoid tumor
#Carcinoma in situ, III
#Carcinoma of breast
#Carcinoma of cervix
#Carcinoma of endometrium
#Carcinoma of ovary
#Carcinoma of vagina
#Carcinoma of vulva
#Cardiac dysrhythmia (arrhythmia)
#Cardiac neurosis
#Carotid-cavernous fistula
#Carpal tunnel syndrome
#Cataract, complicated
#Caterpillar dermatitis
#Cellulitis and abscess
#Cellulitis and abscess of neck
#Central retinal artery occlusion
#Central retinal venous occlusion
#Central serous retinopathy
#Cerebellar astrocytoma childhood
#Cerebellar ataxia
#Cerebral aneurysm
#Cerebral artery occlussion
#Cerebral astrocytoma
#Cerebral atherosclerosis
#Cerebral cyst
#Cerebral degeneration
#Cerebral depression, coma and other abnormal cerebral signs (central nervous system dysfunction in newborn)
#Cerebral edema
#Cerebral hemorrhage
#Cerebral infarction
#Cerebral palsy
#Cerebrovascular accident
#Cerebrovascular accident, old
#Cerebrovascular disease
#Cervical cancer
#Cervical erosion and ectropion
#Cervical incompetence
#Cervical intervertebral disc disorder
#Cervical polyp
#Cervical radiculopathy
#Cervical spondylosis
#Cervical spondylosis with myelopathy
#Cervical spondylosis with myelopathy
#Cervical spondylosis
#Cervical stricture
#Cesarean section (C/S) or perineal wound infection or hematoma
#Change dressing
#Chest pain
#Chest tightness
#Childhood acute
#Childhood cancer
#Chocolate cyst
#Cholelithiasis and Cholecystitis
#Cholesteatoma of middle ear
#Chondromalacia of patella
#Chromosomal anomalies
#Chronic angle-closure glaucoma
#Chronic bronchitis
#Chronic bronchitis
#Chronic conjunctivitis
#Chronic conjunctivitis
#Chronic glomerulonephritis
#Chronic glomerulonephritis in membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis
#Chronic glomerulonephritis in membranous glomerulonephritis
#Chronic glomerulonephritis in rapid progressive glomerulonephritis
#Chronic glomerulonephritis in systemic lupus erythematosus
#Chronic hepatitis
#Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis
#Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
#Chronic myelogenous leukemia
#Chronic myeloproliferative disorders
#Chronic myringitis
#Chronic nasopharyngitis
#Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
#Chronic osteomyelitis
#Chronic pancreatitis
#Chronic paranasal sinusitis
#Chronic pharyngitis
#Chronic pyelonephritis
#Chronic renal failure
#Chronic renal failure ( End stage renal disease )
#Chronic renal failure (End stage renal disease)
#Chronic respiratory disease arising in the perinatal period (Bronchopulmonary dysplasia)
#Chronic rhinitis
#Chronic sinusitis
#Chronic tonsillitis
#Chronic ulcer of lower limb
#Cleft lip
#Cleft palate
#Cleft palate with cleft lip
#Club foot
#Cluster headache
#CN6/Abducens palsy
#Coccyx pain
#Colles' fracture, closed
#Colles' fracture, open
#Colon cancer
#Common cold
#Communicating hydrocephalus
#Complication of kidney transplantation
#Compression fracture
#Conditions involving the integument of newborn (urticaria neonatorum)
#Condyloma accuminata
#Condyloma acuminatum
#Congenital anemia (anemia following fetal blood loss, posthemorrhagic anemia)
#Congenital anomalies of genital organ
#Congenital anomalies of the integument
#Congenital anomaly
#Congenital anomaly of nervous system
#Congenital anomaly, unspecified
#Congenital cataract
#Congenital cerebral aneurysm
#Congenital dislocation of hip, unilateral
#Congenital heart disease
#Congenital hydrocele
#Congenital hydrocephalus
#Congenital hypertrophic pyloric stenosis
#Congenital hypothyroidism
#Congenital musculoskeletal deformities of sternocleidomastoid muscle
#Congenital pneumonia
#Congenital sternomastoid torticollis (congenital wryneck)
#Congestive heart disease
#Congestive heart failure
#Conjunctival cysts
#Conjunctival foreign body
#Conjunctival lithiasis
#Conjunctivial hemorrhage
#Contact dermatitis
#Contact dermatitis and other eczema
#Contact dermatitis
#Contact/Allergic dermatitis of eyelid
#Contusion of abdomen
#Contusion of back
#Contusion of buttock
#Contusion of chest
#Contusion of eyeball/Traumatic hyphema/Lens dislocation
#Contusion of face,scalp and neck
#Contusion of flank
#Contusion of head
#Contusion of kidney
#Contusion of liver
#Contusion of lower extremity
#Contusion of lower limb
#Contusion of neck
#Contusion of shoulder
#Contusion of spleen
#Contusion of trunk
#Contusion of upper extremity
#Contusion of upper limb
#Convulsions of newborn
#Corn and tylosis
#Corneal edema
#Corneal foreign body
#Corneal ulcer
#Coronary artery disease
#Corpus luteum cyst or hematoma
#Corticosteroid-induced glaucoma
#Counseling (Health education or explaination)
#Cramp (limbs)
#Cranial nerve injury
#Cranial nerve lesion
#Cruciate sprains
#Cryptococcal meningitis
#Cubital tunnel syndrome
#Cushing's syndrome
#Cutaneous hemorrhage (bruising, ecchymoses, petechiae in newborn)
#Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma
#Cyst of Bartholin's gland
#Cyst of kidney, acquired
#Cyst of oral soft tissues
#Cystic kidney disease
#Cystitis, acute
#Cystocele, urethrocele or rectocele
#Cystoid macular degeneration
#De Quervain’s disease
#Death on arrival
#Deep vein thrombosis
#Degenerative joint disease
#Degenerative joint disease of lumbar-spine
#Degenerative spondylolithesis
#Delusion of parasitosis
#Dementia, presenile
#Dementia, senile
#Dental caries
#Depressive disorder
#Dermatitis herpetiform
#Dermatitis, artefacta
#Dermatitis, atopic
#Dermatitis, eczema
#Dermatitis, generalized(allergic)(contact)(occupational)
#Dermatitis, seborrheic
#Dermatophytosis of the body
#Dermatophytosis(Tinea), excluding nail
#Desmoplastic small round cell tumor
#Developmental retardation
#Developmental speech disorder
#Deviated nasal septum
#Diabetes mellitus | DM
#Diabetes mellitus foot (gangrene)
#Diabetes mellitus with background diabetic retinopathy (BDR)
#Diabetes mellitus with lower limb ulcer
#Diabetes mellitus with nephropathy
#Diabetes mellitus with neuropathy
#Diabetes mellitus with peripheral circulatory disorder
#Diabetes mellitus with peripheral vascular disease
#Diabetes mellitus with polyneuropathy
#Diabetes mellitus with proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR)
#Diabetes mellitus with retinopathy
#Diabetes mellitus(no complication)
#Diabetes mellitus, insulin dependent
#Diabetic nephropathy
#Diabetic neuropathy
#Diabetic neuropathy
#Diaper rash
#Disease due to viruses and chlamydiae
#Disease of blood and blood-forming organs
#Disease of breast
#Disease of esophagus
#Disease of nervous system
#Disease of respiratory system
#Dislocation developmental hip, unilateral
#Dislocation of ankle
#Dislocation of elbow
#Dislocation of finger
#Dislocation of foot
#Dislocation of hip
#Dislocation of knee
#Dislocation of mandible
#Dislocation of shoulder
#Dislocation of wrist
#Disorder of back
#Disorder of copper metabolism
#Disorder of eye
#Disorder of eyelid
#Disorder of joint
#Disorder of metabolism
#Disorder of other female genital organs
#Disorder of refraction and accommodation
#Disorder of skin and subcutaneous tissue
#Disorders of liver
#Disorders of male genital organs
#Disorders of thyroid gland
#Disturbances of temperature regulation of newborn (hyperthermia in newborn)
#Dizziness and giddiness
#Dizziness and giddiness
#Doubling of uterus
#Down's syndrome
#Drug abuse
#Drug dependence
#Drug eruption
#Drug poisoning
#Drug psychosis
#Drug withdrawal syndrome
#Dry eye (Tear film insufficiency)
#Duane's syndrome
#Duodenal ulcer
#Dyschromia and pigmentation
#Dysfunction of eustachian tube
#Dysfunction uterine bleeding
#Dysfunctional labor, undelivered
#Dysfunctional uterine bleeding (DUB)
#Dysplasia of cervix (CIN lesion)
#Dysplasia of vagina
#Ectopic pregnancy
#Eczema nummulare
#Electrolyte / fluid disease
#Elevation of ALT, AST, or LDH
#Encephalitis, Myelitis
#Endocrine diseases
#Endometrial cancer
#Endometrial hyperplasia
#Enlargement of lymph nodes (lymphadenopathy)
#Epidemic keratoconjunctivitis / Infection keratoconjunctivitis
#Epidermal cyst
#Epithelioid hemangioendothelioma (EHE)
#Erythema multiforme
#Erythema nodosum
#Erythematosquamous dermatosis
#Esophageal cancer
#Esophageal reflux (gastroesophageal reflux)
#Esophageal varices
#Essential hypertension
#Essential tremor
#Ewing's sarcoma in the Ewing family of tumors
#Exit site or tunnel infection, hemodialysis
#Exit site or tunnel infection, peritoneal dialysis
#Explain health condition
#Exposure keratoconjunctivitis
#Extrapyramidal diseases
#Eye cancer
#Eye strain
#Facial nerve disorders
#Facial palsy
#Facial palsy / Bell's palsy
#Facial paralysis
#Failed induction, undelivered
#Failure to thrive
#Fatty liver
#Fatty liver
#Feeding problems in newborn (regurgitation of food, slow feeding, or vomiting in newborn)
#Fetal and neonatal jaundice
#Fever of unknown origin
#Fever of unknown origin (FUO)
#Fibrositis / rheumatism
#Filamentary keratitis
#Fistula involving female genital organ
#Flat foot
#Flatulence, eructation, and gas pain (abdominal distention (gaseous))
#Flushing, postmenopausal
#Folliculitis, pustular
#Follow for report result
#Foreign body granuloma of skin and subcutaneous tissue
#Foreign body in bronchus
#Foreign body in digestive system
#Foreign body in ear
#Foreign body in esophagus
#Foreign body in larynx
#Foreign body in nose
#Foreign body in pharynx
#Foreign body in respiratory tract
#Foreign body in trachea
#Foreign body miss swallowing
#Foreign body
#Fracture (closed)
#Fracture (open)
#Fracture of ankle, closed
#Fracture of ankle, open
#Fracture of carpal, closed
#Fracture of carpal, open
#Fracture of cervical
#Fracture of cervical spine
#Fracture of cervical spine with cord injury
#Fracture of clavicle
#Fracture of clavicle, closed
#Fracture of clavicle, open
#Fracture of coccyx
#Fracture of femur
#Fracture of femur neck
#Fracture of femur neck, closed
#Fracture of femur neck, open
#Fracture of femur shaft
#Fracture of femur, closed
#Fracture of femur, open
#Fracture of fibula
#Fracture of fibula with tibia
#Fracture of fibula, closed
#Fracture of fibula, open
#Fracture of finger
#Fracture of foot
#Fracture of hand
#Fracture of humerus
#Fracture of humerus, closed
#Fracture of humerus, open
#Fracture of lumbar
#Fracture of lumbar spine
#Fracture of lumbar spine with cord injury
#Fracture of lumbar, open
#Fracture of malleolus
#Fracture of maxillary bone
#Fracture of metacarpal, closed
#Fracture of metacarpal, open
#Fracture of metatarsus
#Fracture of metatarsus
#Fracture of nasal bone
#Fracture of nose
#Fracture of patella
#Fracture of patella, closed
#Fracture of patella, open
#Fracture of pelvis
#Fracture of pelvis, closed
#Fracture of pelvis, open
#Fracture of phalanx (foot) , closed
#Fracture of phalanx (foot), open
#Fracture of phalanx (hand), closed
#Fracture of phalanx (hand), open
#Fracture of radius
#Fracture of radius and ulna
#Fracture of radius and ulna, closed
#Fracture of radius and ulna, open
#Fracture of rib(s), closed
#Fracture of rib(s), open
#Fracture of scapula, closed
#Fracture of scapula, open
#Fracture of skull
#Fracture of skull with contusion of brain
#Fracture of skull with epidural hemorrhage
#Fracture of skull with intracranial hemorrhage
#Fracture of skull with intracranial injury
#Fracture of skull with subarachnoid hemorrhage
#Fracture of skull with subdural hemorrhage
#Fracture of skull, closed
#Fracture of skull, open
#Fracture of tarsal and metatarsal bones, closed
#Fracture of tarsal and metatarsal bones, open
#Fracture of tarsus
#Fracture of thoracic
#Fracture of thoracic spine
#Fracture of thoracic spine with cord injury
#Fracture of tibia
#Fracture of tibia and fibula, closed
#Fracture of tibia and fibula, open
#Fracture of tibia, closed
#Fracture of tibia, open
#Fracture of ulna
#Fracture of ulna, closed
#Fracture of ulna, open
#Fracture of vertebra
#Fracture of vertebra with spinal cord injury
#Frequency of urination
#Frequency of urination
#Frozen shoulder
#Functional and undiagnosed cardiac murmurs
#Functional digestive disorders
#Functional disorder of stomach
#Functional disorders of bladder
#Functional gastrointestinal disorder
#Functional gastrointestinal disturbance
#Gait abnormality
#Gallbladder cancer
#Gastric (stomach) cancer
#Gastric carcinoid
#Gastric ulcer
#Gastric ulcer
#Gastritis / gastroduodenitis
#Gastroenteritis and colitis
#Gastrointestinal bleeding
#Gastrointestinal carcinoid tumor
#Gastrointestinal hemorrhage
#Gastrointestinal stromal tumor, GIST
#General symptoms
#Germ cell tumor: extracranial, extragonadal, or ovarian
#Gestational diabetes mellitus (DM), undelivered
#Gestational trophoblastic tumor
#Gingival / periodontal disease
#Gingival and periodontal disease
#Glomerulonephritis in systemic lupus erythematosus
#Gouty arthritis
#Gouty arthropathy
#Gouty nephropathy
#Granuloma inguinale
#Granuloma pyogenicum
#Grave's ophthalmopathy
#Growth retardation
#Habitual abortion
#Hairy cell leukemia
#Hairy cell leukemia / HCL
#Hallux valgus
#Hand, foot and mouth disease
#Hand,foot and mouth disease
#Head and neck cancer
#Head injury
#Health checkup
#Health counseling
#Hearing impairment
#Hearing loss
#Heart cancer
#Heart disease
#Heart failure
#Heart murmur
#Hemangioma of skin and subcutaneous tissue
#Hematoma and contusion
#Hemolytic anemia (acquired)
#Hemolytic disease due to ABO isoimmunization (anemia, jaundice, due to ABO antibodies)
#Hemorrhage of gastrointestinal tract
#Hepatitis B
#Hepatitis B
#Hepatitis C
#Hepatitis C
#Hepatocellular carcinoma
#Hepatorenal syndrome
#Herniated intervertebral disc with myelopathy
#Herniated intervertebral disc
#Herniated of intervertebral disc
#Herniated of intervertebral disease
#Herniated of intervertebral disease of lumbar spine
#Herniation intervertebral disc
#Herniation of cervical intervertebal disc
#Herniation of humbar intervertebal disc
#Herniation of intervertebral disc
#Herniation of thoracic intervertebal disc
#Herpes simplex
#Herpes simplex disciform keratitis
#Herpes zoster
#Herpes zoster kertaoconjunctivitis
#Herpes zoster, ophthalmicus
#Herpes zoster, perianal
#Herpetic geniculate ganglionitis
#Herpetic gingivostomatitis
#Herpetic gingivostomatitis
#Hiatal hernia
#Hirschsprung's disease and other congenital functional disorders of colon
#Hodgkin lymphoma
#Hordeolum externum
#Hordeolum internum
#Hoshimoto's thyroiditis
#Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection
#Huntington's chorea
#Hyperemesis gravidarum, undelivered
#Hyperosmolality and /or hypernatremia
#Hypertension, essential
#Hypertension, secondary
#Hypertensive cardiovascular disease
#Hypertensive encephalopathy
#Hypertensive heart disease
#Hypertensive renal disease
#Hypertensive retinopathy
#Hypopharyngeal cancer
#Hyposmolality and /or hyponatremia
#Hypothalamic and visual pathway glioma
#IgA, IgM nephritis
#Ill-defined conditions
#Illegally induced abortion
#Impacted cerumen
#Impotence, organic
#Impotence, psychogenic
#Incisional hernia
#Incontinence of urine
#Infantile cerebral palsy
#Infection of kidney
#Infection reaction due to internal joint prosthesis
#Infection reaction due to internal orthopedic device, implant and graft
#Infection specific to the perinatal period
#Infection specific to the perinatal period (neonatal urinary tract infection, neonatal sepsis)
#Infectious colitis, enteritis and gastroenteritis
#Infectious colitis, enteritis, and gastroenteritis
#Infectious diarrhea
#Infective arthritis
#Infective otitis externa
#Infertility, female
#Infertility, male
#Inflammatory and toxic neuropathy
#Inflammatory disease of cervix, vagina and vulva
#Inflammatory disease of ovary, fallopian tube, pelvic cellular tissue and peritoneum (PID)
#Inflammatory disease of uterus
#Inflammatory glaucoma
#Influenza with other respiratory manifestations
#Infrapatellar bursitis
#Ingrowing nail
#Inguinal hernia
#Inguinal hernia, unilateral or unspecified
#Injuries to brachial plexus (brachial palsy or paralysis)
#Injuries to scalp (caput succedaneum, cephalhematoma)
#Injury to colon
#Injury to gastrointestinal tract
#Injury to heart
#Injury to intra-abdominal organs
#Injury to kidney
#Injury to liver
#Injury to pelvic organ
#Injury to small intestine
#Injury to spleen
#Injury to stomach
#Insect bite
#Insect bite, head and neck with infection
#Insect bite, head and neck
#Insertion of intrauterine contraceptive device
#Internal derangement of knee
#Internal derangement of knee (IDK)
#Interstitial emphysema (pneumomediastinum, pneumopericardium, pneumothorax in perinatal period)
#Interstitial keratitis
#Intertrochanteric fracture (ITF) of femur, closed
#Intertrochanteric fracture (ITF) of femur, open
#Intervertebral disc disorder
#Intestinal obstruction
#Intestinal parasitism
#Intracerebral hemorrhage
#Intracerebral hemorrhage
#Intracranial abscess
#Intracranial hemorrhage
#Intracranical arteriovenous malformation (AVM) of brain
#Intraocular melanoma
#Intraspinal abscess
#Intrauterine fetal death < 22 wks
#Intrauterine fetal death > 22 wks
#Intrauterine synechiae
#Iron deficiency anemia
#Irregular menstrual cycle
#Irritable bladder
#Irritable bowel syndrome
#Ischemic heart disease
#Ischemic necrosis femoral head (INFH) / Avascular necrosis femoral head (ANFH)
#Islet cell carcinoma (endocrine pancreas)
#Issue of medical certificates
#Joint contracture
#Joint pain
#Joint stiffness
#Joint swelling
#Juvenile rheumatoid artritis (polyarticular)
#Kaposi sarcoma
#Keloid and Hypertrophic scar
#Keloid scar
#Keratoderma (congenital) (palmaris et plantaris) (symmetrical)
#Kidney cancer
#Kidney transplantation
#Kyphoscoliosis and scoliosis
#Laboratory examination
#Laceration of skin of eyelid and periocular area
#Lack of expected normal physiological development
#Lack of expected normal physiological development (failure to gain weight, failure to thrive)
#Large for gestational age, undelivered
#Laryngeal cancer
#Late effect of acute poliomyelitis
#Late effect of intracranial injury
#Late effect of spinal cord injury
#Late effect of sprain and strain
#Lateral epicondylitis
#Leg length discrepancy
#Legally induced abortion
#Legg-Calve-Perthes disease (LCPD)
#Lens subluxation
#Lesion of lateral popliteal nerve
#Lesion of radial nerve
#Lesion of sciatiac nerve
#Lesion of ulnar nerve
#Leukaemia, acute lymphoblastic (also called acute lymphocytic leukaemia)
#Leukaemia, acute myeloid (also called acute myelogenous leukemia)
#Leukaemia, chronic lymphocytic (also called chronic lymphocytic leukemia)
#Leukemia, chronic myelogenous (also called chronic myeloid leukemia)
#Leukoplakia of oral mucosa
#Lichen pilaris
#Lichenification and lichen simplex chronicus
#Light-for-dates (small-for-dates)
#Limbs cramp
#Lip and oral cavity cancer
#Liver abscess
#Liver cancer
#Liver cirrhosis
#Local infection of skin and subcutaneous tissue
#Loose body in knee
#Loss sense of smell
#Low back pain
#Low back pain, lumbago, low back syndrome
#Lower abdominal pain
#Lumbar intervertebral disc disorder
#Lumbar spine stenosis
#Lumbar spondylosis
#Lumbar spondylosis with myelopathy
#Lumbar spondylosis
#Lumbosacral radiculopathy
#Lumbosacral spondylosis
#Lump or mass in breast
#Lung cancer
#Lung cancer, non-small cell
#Lung cancer, small cell
#Lupus erythematous(discoid)
#Lupus erythematous(systemic)
#Lymphogranuloma venereum
#Lymphoma, Hodgkin
#Lymphoma, primary central nervous system
#Lymphomas, Non-Hodgkin
#Macular hole/Pseudohole
#Macular pucker / Epiretinal membrane / Cellophance
#Malaise and fatigue
#Malaise and fatigue
#Male breast cancer
#Malignant brain stem tumor
#Malignant cerebellum tumor
#Malignant cerebral meninges tumor
#Malignant cerebrum tumor
#Malignant cranial nerve tumor
#Malignant fibrous histiocytoma of bone/osteosarcoma
#Malignant melanoma
#Malignant neoplasm of brain
#Malignant neoplasm of hypopharynx
#Malignant neoplasm of kidney, except pelvis
#Malignant neoplasm of larynx
#Malignant neoplasm of mouth
#Malignant neoplasm of nasopharynx
#Malignant neoplasm of salivary gland
#Malignant neoplasm of tongue
#Malignant scalp tumor
#Malignant skull tumor
#Malignant spinal cord tumor
#Malignant spinal meninges tumor
#Mallet finger
#Malpresentation, undelivered
#Malunion of fracture
#Manic-depressive psychosis
#Mass, superficial
#Mechanical complication of internal orthopedic device, implant and graft
#Meconium aspiration syndrome
#Medial epicondylitis
#Melanoma of skin
#Melanoma, intraocular (eye)
#Meniere's disease
#Menigitis, aseptic
#Meningitis, bacterial
#Meningocele, cerebral
#Meniscus tear
#Meniscus tear (old)
#Menopausal syndrome
#Menstruation disorder
#Mental retardation
#Meralgia paresthetica
#Merkel cell carcinoma
#Metastatic brain tumor
#Metastatic spinal tumor
#Metastatic squamous neck cancer with occult primary
#Molluscum contagiosum
#Mononeuritis multiplex
#Morphea(guttate; linear)
#Motor neuron disease
#Mouth cancer
#Moyamoya disease
#Mucocele of nasal sinus
#Multiple cranial nerve paralysis
#Multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome
#Multiple fracture, closed
#Multiple fracture, open
#Multiple hand bones fracture, closed
#Multiple myeloma
#Multiple myeloma/plasma cell neoplasm
#Multiple sclerosis
#Multiple superficial injury
#Muscle spasm
#Muscular disuse atrophy
#Myalgia and myositis
#Myalgia, myofascial pain syndrome
#Myasthenia gravis
#Mycosis fungoides
#Myelodysplastic syndromes
#Myelodysplastic/myeloproliferative diseases
#Myelogenous leukemia, chronic
#Myeloid leukemia, adult acute
#Myeloma, multiple (cancer of the bone-marrow)
#Myeloproliferative disorders, chronic
#Myofacial pain
#Myofacial pain syndrome
#Myofascial pain syndrome
#Myoma uterine
#Myositis occificans
#Nail disease
#Nasal cavity and paranasal sinus cancer
#Nasal polyp
#Nasopharyngeal carcinoma
#Nausea and vomiting
#Neck mass
#Neonatal Candida infection (thrush in newborn)
#Neonatal conjunctivitis and dacryocystitis
#Neonatal hypoglycemia
#Neoplasm, face, benign
#Neoplasm, face, malignant
#Neoplasm, head, malignant
#Neoplasm, male genital organs, penis, benign
#Neoplasm, male genital organs, scrotum, benign
#Neoplasm, penis, malignant
#Neoplasm, scalp, benign
#Neoplasm, scrotum, malignant
#Neoplasm, skin, benign (including nevus)
#Neoplasm, skin, malignant
#Nephritis and nephropathy
#Nephrotic syndrome
#Nephrotic syndrome in amylodosis
#Nephrotic syndrome in focal segmental glomerular sclerosis
#Nephrotic syndrome in membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis
#Nephrotic syndrome in membranous glomerulonephritis
#Nephrotic syndrome in minimal change disease
#Nephrotic syndrome in proliferative glomerulonephritis
#Nerve injury
#Neuralgia, neuritis, and radiculitis
#Neuralgic amyotrophy
#Neurogenic bladder
#Neuropathy, lower limb
#Neuropathy, upper limb
#Neurotic disorder
#Nodular goiter
#Non-communicating hydrocephalus
#Non-Hodgkin lymphoma
#Noninfectious gastroenteritis and colitis (enteritis)
#Non-small cell lung cancer
#Nonthrombocytopenic purpuras
#Nonunion of fracture
#Nose vestibulitis
#Nutritional deficiencies
#Observation for suspected condition, newborn
#Obsessive-compulsive disorder
#Obsessive-compulsive disorders
#Obstruction of nasolacrimal duct, neonatal
#Obstructive uropathy
#Ocular hypertention
#Ocular laceration
#Old cerebral vascular disease
#Old cerebrovascular accident
#Old myocardial infarction
#Oligohydramnios, undelivered
#Oligomenorrhea, hypomenorrhea
#Omphalitis of the newborn (granuloma of umbilicus)
#Open wound of back
#Open wound of chest wall
#Open wound of elbow, forearm and wrist
#Open wound of external ear
#Open wound of eyelid
#Open wound of face
#Open wound of finger
#Open wound of finger with tendon involvement
#Open wound of fingers
#Open wound of foot
#Open wound of foot with tendon involvement
#Open wound of forearm
#Open wound of forearm with tendon involvement
#Open wound of hand
#Open wound of hand with tendon involvement
#Open wound of head
#Open wound of knee, leg and ankle
#Open wound of lower extremity
#Open wound of lower extremity with tendon involvement
#Open wound of lower leg
#Open wound of lower leg with tendon involvement
#Open wound of lower limb
#Open wound of penis
#Open wound of scalp
#Open wound of trunk
#Open wound of upper extremity
#Open wound of upper extremity with tendon involvement
#Open wound of upper limb
#Open wound of wrist
#Open wound of wrist with tendon involvement
#Optic atrophy
#Optic nerve injury
#Optic neuritis
#Oral aphthae
#Oral cancer
#Oral lesion
#Oral thrush
#Oral ulcer
#Orbital cellulitis
#Orchitis and epididymitis
#Organic psychosis, chronic
#Orofacial dyskinesia
#Oropharyngeal cancer
#Orthostatic hypotension
#Ossification of posterior longitudinal ligament(OPLL)
#Ossification of posterior longitudinal ligament, cervical region
#Osteoarthritis of knee
#Osteoarthrosis of hip
#Osteoarthrosis of knee
#Osteosarcoma/malignant fibrous histiocytoma of bone
#Ostium secundum type atrial septal defect (patent foramen ovale)
#Other disorders of prostate
#Other gastrointestinal symptoms
#Other impaction of intestine (fecal impaction)
#Otitis externa
#Otitis media
#Otitis media (acute, chronic)
#Otitis media, suppurative
#Ovarian cancer
#Ovarian cyst
#Ovarian dysfunction
#Ovarian epithelial cancer
#Ovarian failure
#Ovarian germ cell tumor
#Ovarian low malignant potential tumor
#Pain in thoracic spine
#Painful respiration
#Pancreatic cancer
#Pancreatic cancer, islet cell
#Paralysis of vocal cord
#Paralytic lagophthalmos
#Paralytic strabismus
#Paranasal sinus and nasal cavity cancer
#Parathyroid carcinoma
#Parkinson’s disease
#Parkinson's disease
#Paronychia, finger
#Paronychia, toe
#Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia
#Pars planitis/posterior cyclitis
#Patella femoral pain syndrome
#Patellar tendinitis
#Patent ductus arteriosus
#Pathological fracture of vertebrae
#Pathological fracture
#Pediculosis pubis
#Pelvic adhesions
#Pelvic inflammatory disease
#Penile cancer
#Peptic ulcer
#Perforation of tympanic membrane
#Peripheral arteries occlusion disease
#Peripheral neuropathy
#Peripheral vascular disease
#Peripheral vertigo
#Peritonsillar abscess
#Peroneal (common) nerve lesion
#Pes anserinus tendinitis
#Phacolytic glaucoma
#Pharyngeal cancer
#Pharyngitis, acute
#Pharyngoconjunctival fever
#Phyllodes tumor
#Pilocytic astrocytoma
#Pineal astrocytoma
#Pineal germinoma
#Pineoblastoma and supratentorial primitive neuroectodermal tumors, childhood
#Pituitary tumours
#Pityriasis alba
#Pityriasis rosea
#Pityriasis versicolor
#Placenta abruption
#Placenta previa
#Plantar fasciitis
#Plantar fascitiis
#Plasma cell neoplasia/Multiple myeloma
#Pleuropulmonary blastoma
#Polycystic kidney
#Polycystic ovary
#Polycythemia neonatorum
#Polyhydramnios, undelivered
#Polyp of vocal cord
#Post partum endometritis
#Postconcussion syndrome
#Postconcussional syndrome
#Posterior cruciate ligament tear (old)
#Postherpetic neuralgia(intercostal)
#Post-menopausal atrophic vaginitis
#Post-menopausal bleeding
#Post-menopausal syndrome
#Post-operative hemorrhage
#Postoperative infection
#Post-operative wound infection
#Postpartum hemorrhage (PPH)
#Post-traumatic wound infection
#Postural hypotension
#Preauricular fistula
#Pregnancy and mole, undelivered
#Pregnancy and myoma of uterus
#Pregnancy and obstructed labor, undelivered
#Pregnancy and upper respiratory infections
#Pregnancy and urinary tract infection
#Pregnancy complication
#Pregnancy in anemia
#Pregnancy test
#Pregnancy weeks with congenital fetal anomaly, undelivered
#Pregnancy—weeks and acute abdomen, undelivered
#Pregnancy—weeks, admission for induction, undelivered
#Premature rupture of membranes (PROM), undelivered
#Premenstrual syndrome
#Premenstrual tension syndrome
#Pressure sore
#Preterm immaturity
#Preterm infants (1000-2499 g or 28-37 week)
#Preterm labor, undelivered
#Previous cesarean section (C/S), undelivered
#Prickly heat (heat rash, miliaria rubra, miliaria crystallina)
#Primary central nervous system lymphoma
#Prolapse of uterus
#Prolapse of vaginal walls
#Proliferative diabetic retinopathy
#Prolonged Pregnancy, undelivered
#Promary open angle glaucoma
#Prophylactic vaccination
#Prostate cancer
#Prurigo nodularis
#Pruritus and prurigo simplex
#Pruritus cutaneous
#Pruritus of genital organ
#Psychophysiological disorder
#Psychophysiological malfunction
#Psychosomatic disorder
#Pulmonary emphysema
#Punctate keratitis
#Pure hypercholesterolaemia
#Pure hypertriglyceridemia
#Purulent endophthalmitis
#Pyoderma and bacterial infection of skin
#Pyogenic arthritis
#Pyrexia of unknown origin
#Radial nerve lesion
#Radial neuropathy
#Radiculitis, cervicobrachial
#Radiculitis, lumbosacral
#Radius fracture, closed
#Radius fracture, open
#Rapid progressive glomerulonephritis
#Rapidly progressive renal failure
#Raynaud's phenomenon
#Rectal cancer
#Rectum cancer
#Recurrent corneal erosions
#Recurrent ptergium
#Redundant prepuce
#Redundant prepuce and phimosis
#Redundant prepuce and phimosis (paraphimosis)
#Reflux esophagitis
#Refractive error
#Regional enteritis
#Reinsertion or removal of intrauterine contraceptive
#Renal and perinephric abscess
#Renal cancer / Kidney Cancer
#Renal colic
#Renal cyst
#Renal failure
#Renal failure, chronic
#Renal or perirenal hematoma
#Renal or perirenal hematoma (resulting from a surgical procedure)
#Renal or perirenal hemorrhage (resulting from a surgical procedure)
#Renal osteodystrophy
#Renal pelvis and ureter, transitional cell cancer
#Renal pelvis cancer
#Renal stone
#Respiratory distress syndrome
#Respiratory problems after birth (apnea, cyanotic attacks, respiratory distress, respiratory failure, etc.)
#Retention of urine
#Retinal breaks/Defect
#Retinal detachment with retinal defect
#Retinal hemorrhage
#Rhabdomyosarcoma, childhood
#Rheumatic fever
#Rheumatic heart disease
#Rheumatoid arthritis
#Rotator cuff tear
#Routine general medical examination at a health care facility
#Routine infant or child health check
#Routine postpartum follow-up
#Rupture of tendon, non-traumatic
#Salivary-gland carcinoma
#Salpingitis and oophoritis
#Sarcoma, Ewing family of tumors
#Sarcoma, Kaposi
#Sarcoma, soft tissue
#Sarcoma, uterine
#Scalp laceration
#Scalp, face contusion
#Scarlet fever
#Scoliosis, idiopathic
#Sebaceous cyst
#Sebaceous cyst of female genital organs
#Seborrheic dermatitis
#Seborrheic keratosis
#Secondary hyperparathyroidism
#Secondary hypertension
#Secondary malignant neoplasm of brain and spinal cord
#Secondary malignant neoplasm of lymph nodes of neck
#Secondary parkinsonism
#Senile cataract
#Senile dementia
#Senile dermatosis and degeneration or calcinosis
#Senile ectropion
#Senile entropion
#Sensory disturbance
#Sequelae of stroke
#Serous otitis media
#Shigella dysenteriae
#Sicca syndrome/sjogren's syndrome
#Simple cyst, renal
#Skin carcinoma | Cancer of skin | Skin cancer | Cutaneous cancer
#Skin infection
#Skin rash
#Skin vesicular eruption
#Skull defect
#Sleep disturbance
#Slipped capitas femoral epiphysis (SCFE)
#Small cell lung cancer
#Small for gestational age, undelivered
#Small intestine cancer
#Soft fibroma
#Spasmodic torticollis
#Speech disturbance
#Spinal bifida
#Spinal cord injury
#Spinal cord injury, cervical
#Spinal cord injury, lumbar
#Spinal cord injury, thoracic
#Spinal cord tumor
#Spinal stenosis
#Spinal stenosis of cervical region
#Spinal stenosis of lumbar region
#Spinal stenosis, cervical
#Spinal stenosis, cervical region
#Spinal stenosis, in lumbar spine
#Spinal stenosis, in thoracic spine
#Spinal stenosis, lumbar
#Spine fracture
#Spine fracture with spinal cord injury
#Spinocerebellar disease
#Spondylosis, cervical
#Spontaneous abortion
#Spontaneous ecchymoses
#Sprain and strain of ankle and foot
#Sprain and strain of back
#Sprain and strain of elbow or forearm
#Sprain and strain of hand
#Sprain and strain of hip and thigh
#Sprain and strain of knee and leg
#Sprain and strain of shoulder or upper arm
#Sprain and strain of wrist
#Sprain of ankle
#Sprain of elbow and forearm
#Sprain of hand
#Sprain of hip and thigh
#Sprain of knee and leg
#Sprain of shoulder and upper arm
#Sprain of wrist
#Sprains and strains
#Sprains of ankle
#Sprains of back
#Sprains of elbow and forearm
#Sprains of foot
#Sprains of hand
#Sprains of hip and thigh
#Sprains of knee and leg
#Sprains of lateral collateral ligament of knee
#Sprains of medial collateral ligament of knee
#Sprains of neck
#Sprains of shoulder and upper arm
#Sprains of wrist
#Sprains or strain
#Squamous cell carcinoma
#Stenosis of nasolacrimal duct, aquired
#Stiffness of joint
#Stitch abscess
#Stomach cancer
#Stomach functional disorder
#Stomach ulcer
#Strain / sprain
#Streptococcal sore throat
#Stress incontinence (urine)
#Stress incontinence, female
#Stricture of ureter
#Subarachnoid hemorrhage
#Subclavian steal syndrome
#Subdural hemorrhage
#Sudden hearing loss
#Superficial injury of cornea
#Superficial injury of face
#Superficial injury of foot
#Superficial injury of hand
#Superficial injury of lower extremity
#Superficial injury of thumb
#Superficial injury of trunk
#Superficial injury of upper arm
#Superficial injury of upper extremity
#Superficial injury
#Supervision of other normal pregnancy (Antepartum examination)
#Supraspinatus tendinitis of shoulder
#Supratentorial primitive neuroectodermal tumor
#Swelling mass or lump, superficial, localized
#Syncope / collapse
#Syndrome of "infant of diabetic mother"
#Synovial cyst
#Syphilis, secondary(skin or mucosa)
#Systemic lupus erythematosis (SLE)
#Systemic lupus erythematosus
#Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)
#Systemic sclerosis
#Tacycardia, proxysmal
#Tarsal tunnel syndrome
#T-Cell lymphoma
#Tendinitis, foot and ankle
#Tendinitis, hand and wrist
#Tennis elbow
#Tension headache
#Testicular cancer
#Tethered cord syndrome
#Tetralogy of Fallot
#Thoracic backache
#Thoracic spondylosis with myelopathy
#Thoracic spondylosis
#Throat cancer
#Throat pain
#Thyroglossal cyst
#Thyroid cancer
#Thyroid disease
#Tibialis posterior tendinitis
#Tic disorder
#Tinea coporis
#Tinea cruris
#Tinea of nail
#Tinea pedis
#Tinea versicolor
#Tongue tie
#Torsion of ovarian cyst
#Toxic erythema
#Tractional retinal detachment
#Transient cerebral ischemia
#Transient ischemic attack
#Transitional cell cancer of the renal pelvis and ureter
#Transitory tachypnea of newborn
#Traumatic amputation of arm and hand
#Traumatic amputation of finger
#Traumatic amputation of fingers
#Traumatic amputation of foot
#Traumatic amputation of hand
#Traumatic amputation of leg(at or above knee)
#Traumatic amputation of leg(below knee)
#Traumatic amputation of leg(s)
#Traumatic amputation of thumb
#Traumatic amputation of toe
#Traumatic amputation of toe(s)
#Traumatic arthropathy
#Traumatic brain hemorrhage
#Traumatic brain injury
#Traumatic cataract
#Traumatic epidural hemorrhage
#Traumatic hemopneumothorax
#Traumatic hemothorax
#Traumatic perforation of tympanic membrane
#Traumatic pneumothorax
#Traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage
#Traumatic subdural hemorrhage
#Trichomoniasis, genitourinary
#Trigeminal neuralgia
#Trigger finger
#Trigger finger(acquired)
#Trophoblastic tumor, gestational
#Tubal obstruction
#Tuberculosis meningitis
#Tuberculosis of brain
#Tuberculosis of kidney
#Tuberculosis of lung
#Tuberculosis of pulmonary
#Tuberculosis of spine
#Typhoid fever
#Ulcer of lower limbs
#Ulceration of vulva
#Ulnar neuropathy
#Umbilical hemorrhage after birth
#Umbilical hernia
#Undescended testis (cryptorchism, ectopic testis)
#Undiagnosed cardiac murmurs
#Unknown primary site adult
#Upper gastrointestinal bleeding
#Upper respiratory infection
#Upper respiratory tract infection, acute
#Upper respiratory tract infections (URI)
#Ureter and renal pelvis
#Ureter stone
#Ureteral stone
#Urethral cancer
#Urethral stricture
#Urinary calculus
#Urinary stone
#Urinary symptoms
#Urinary tract infection
#Urinary tract infection (UTI)
#Urine incontinence
#Urogenital gonorrhea
#Urogenital gonorrhea, acute
#Urticaria, chronic
#Uterine myoma
#Uterine sarcoma
#Vaccine against viral hepatitis B
#Vaginal cancer
#Vaginal stricture
#Valvular heart disease
#Varicose vein
#Varicose veins
#Varicose, lower limbs
#Vascular access infection ( arteriovenous shunt )
#Vascular access occlusion ( arteriovenous shunt )
#Vascular disorders of kidney
#Venereal disease
#Ventral hernia
#Ventricular septal defect
#Vertebral artery syndrome
#Vertebral column fracture
#Vertebral column fracture with spinal cord injury
#Vertical heterophoria
#Vertigo of central origin
#Vertigo, dizziness, giddiness
#Vesical stone
#Vesicoureteral reflux
#Vestibular neuronitis
#Viral exanthem
#Viral exanthemata
#Viral hepatitis
#Viral hepatitis
#Viral infection
#Viral meningitis
#Viral wart
#Visual disturbance
#Visual loss
#Visual pathway and hypothalamic glioma
#Vitamin B deficiency
#Vitamin C deficiency
#Vitreous degeneration / Posterior vitreous detachment
#Vitreous hemorrhage
#Vitreous opacity/Floaters
#Vocal cords nodule
#Vulva and perineum non-inflammatory disorder
#Vulva dystrophy
#Vulvar cancer
#Waldenström macroglobulinemia
#Weight gain, abnormal
#Weight loss, abnormal
#Wilms tumor