Repentance Samadhi | Confession Samadhi
The method of repentance is incredible.
It can make up for the overdrawn blessings, tend towards peace and happiness in the heart, and quickly accumulate good causes.
(recite three times daily)
(Samadhi means the experience of Oneness with the Universe.)
version 1
Repentance Samadhi
By Master Gao Li and his Team
I repent to all those hurt by my wrong conducts, wrong words, and wrong thoughts; whether in the past, at present, or in the future. I repent to all for the sufferings or hardships brought upon by my wrong conducts, wrong words, and wrong thoughts; whether physically or psychologically.
I am willing to accept the Law of Cause-Consequences; I am deeply ashamed and I repent sincerely.
Because of lack of enlightenment and ignorance of Four Truths, we have been hurting each other for eons, taking revenges, and wallowing miserably in the Six Realms of Beings, with no way out.
We all long to be free.
I pray that all those hurt by me will never experience pain, whether psychologically or physically.
I pray that all those ghosts and non-human sentient beings related to me will hear Dharma, be reborn in a benign form, and become free eventually.
I pray that all the humans and non-human sentient beings will share my virtue benefits and chant: “Good. Good. Good.”
version 2
Repentance Samadhi
For all beings whom I hurt in the past, present, or future due to misbehaving in physical, verbal, or will power, or physical or mental obstacles and suffering I received due to misbehaving in physical, verbal, or will power, I am willing to accept (karmic law).
I am sorry that due to my ignorance, and not knowing the four noble truths, we keep hurting each other in many lives and remain in the six realms without a release.
We all want to be released. May all beings whom I have hurt, free from mental suffering, physical suffering, and be happy.
May all nonhuman sentient beings whom I have a karmic connection, hear the Dharma, reborn in the path of good realms.
May all human or non-human beings whom I have a connection, share my good karma and merit and answered: Sadhu, Sadhu, Sadhu May all beings share my merit.
version 3
Repentance Samadhi
To all beings hurt by the actions of my body, words, or mind, regardless it was from the past, present, or future; to all different kinds of difficulty and suffering, regardless it is physical or mind, I am willing to accept the law of cause and consequence, and repent with remorse. Because of ignorance, because of not knowing the four noble truth, we hurt each other since immeasurable kalpas ago, with endless enmity and hatred towards each other, suffering within the six realms with no way out. Yet we all want to be free, to be liberated.
I wish that all beings hurt by me before are free from spiritual suffering, free from physical suffering, may you always be happy.
I wish that all the beings from the ghosts and non-human realms who were affiliated with me have the opportunity to learn Buddhism Dharma, reborn to good realms, and get on their way to liberation.
I wish that all the beings who were affiliated with me, human or non-human, share the merit of my good merits, and answer; Good! Good! Good!
Let all sentient beings share my merits.
version 4
Repentance Samadhi
I guiltily repent any evil action, speech, or thought I have committed that has hurt any other being in the past, present, or future. I fully accept the law of cause-and-effect and willingly embrace all retributive sorrow and suffering, whether physical or spiritual inflicted upon me as a result of my evil actions, speeches and thoughts.
A lack of enlightenment as well as ignorance of the four noble truths has caused us to hurt one another, become stuck within a cycle of reprisal and retaliation, and suffer various miseries within the six realms for aeons, meaninglessly, and endlessly. We are all longing to be set free.
May all the sentient beings ever hurt by me be released from both spiritual and physical pain. May you be happy forever.
May all the ghosts and nonhuman beings who have relations with me listen to Dharma and be reborn in good destinies and find freedom.
May all the human and nonhuman beings who have relations with me share the merits of my good deeds and answer: Very good indeed! Very good indeed! Very good indeed!
May all sentient beings share my merits.
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