Six indicators of physical health self-assessment.
Six indicators of health: sleep, appetite, excretion, physical strength, brain power, and mind.
Sleep: I can sleep until dawn every day.
Appetite: Have a normal appetite; will naturally be hungry before meals.
Excretion: You must have a bowel movement every day, and it is best in the morning.
Physical strength : the palms and soles of the feet are warm
Brain power : memory, thinking, and understanding.
Mind : Body and mind are complementary to each other.
Sleep: I can sleep until dawn every day.
Just a sleep requires the coordination of many organs to complete a good-quality sleep operation. Therefore, there is no problem with the functions of the heart, liver, spleen, lung, kidney, and gallbladder; only then can you sleep peacefully until dawn.
If there are problems with certain organs. For example: a kidney problem means that there is a problem with the functioning of water in the body. Therefore, the circulation function of water affects the heart. So your enthusiasm is strong. At night you lose sleep and can't sleep.
Intermittent sleep is abnormal. Such as: wake up after sleeping; then it will take a while to fall asleep again.
If you often wake up at a fixed time every night, then it will be difficult to fall asleep for a long time. Or for a fixed period of time, you will feel uncomfortable, dull, and uncomfortable. At this time, be aware that a certain part of the body is sick!
TCM theory, different periods of time indicate problems with different organs
PM11 : 00 -AM1 : 00, gallbladder problems.
AM1 : 00- AM3 : 00, there is a problem with the liver.
AM3 : 00- AM5 : 00, there is a problem with the lungs.
Appetite: Have a normal appetite; will naturally be hungry before meals.
People with strong appetite have normal spleen and stomach functions; those with poor appetite have poor spleen and stomach functions and malfunction.
The spleen and stomach are where the human body absorbs nutrients, qi and blood biochemically.
When the spleen and stomach function normally, the digestive function is good, the internal organs are fully nourished and nourished, and the natural appetite is good.
Sufficient nutrition will help all the energy the body needs.
Excretion: You must have a bowel movement every day, and it is best in the morning.
Because 5 to 7 in the morning is the best time for the large intestine to function; it is when the body excretes wastes from the body.
Eliminate wastes from the body every day and help the body's metabolism.
Urinate: 5 to 7 times a day .
What is healthy urination?
Times: 5-7 times
Volume: between 250cc-450cc.
Color: The normal color should be light yellow and transparent at the same time.
Physical strength : the palms and soles of the feet are warm
The palms and soles of the feet are warm, indicating that the heart is working normally.
It also means that the energy in the body can be normally transported to all parts of the body, including the palms and soles of the feet farthest from the heart.
The palms and soles of the feet are prone to cold and edema, which indicates that there is a problem with the function of energy production and delivery.
Brain power : memory, thinking, understanding
If the head is ischemic and hypoxic, people will become groggy and yawn frequently. Unable to concentrate on thinking, easy to forget things and forget things, memory is greatly affected. Therefore, the appropriate amount of exercise can effectively strengthen the heart and lung functions. Improve concentration and thinking.
The spleen and stomach are the body's main source of energy absorption. With a good spleen and stomach and good nutrition absorption, the body's qi and blood will be sufficient. Normal qi and blood function, adequate brain nutrition, effectively improve concentration.
The liver and kidneys mainly filter and metabolize wastes in the body; therefore, going to bed before 11 o'clock in the evening will help the liver and gallbladder function. If the body's metabolism is normal, it is not easy to get tired, aging, and brain aging.
Mind : Body and mind are complementary to each other.
The functions of the body are functioning normally, and the feelings of the mind are happy.
The positive, brave, and positive mind can effectively drive the functioning of the body and enhance the healing ability of self-repair.
Six indicators of health: sleep, appetite, excretion, physical strength, mental strength, and mind.
According to self-assessment, effectively understand the physical and mental condition of oneself.
Make a little progress every day and be happy forever.
Indicator evaluation: Give yourself 1-10 points; a score of 10 is excellent.
Health status indicator tracking table | |||||
project | date | / | / | / | |
before use | 1 day | 3 days | 7 days | ||
Sleep | Is it easy to fall asleep? |
Sleep depth Sleep quality |
| |
Wake up, very energetic |
| |
appetite | Hungry before meal |
Appetite |
| |
Water volume |
| |
excretion | Smooth bowel movements |
Urinate frequency the amount colour |
| |||
sweat |
| |
physical strength | Amount of exercise |
excercise time |
| |
meditation Yoga |
| |
endurance Muscle strength |
| |
Diligence positive |
| |
Brainpower | Concentration |
Thinking ability |
| |
understanding |
| |
memory |
| |
psychological | prayer Thanksgiving |
love praise |
| |
Happy heart |
| |
Tolerance Considerate |
| |
Rejoice Good deeds |
| |
Benevolent Discover the eyes of beauty |
| |
Smile 15 minutes a day |
The best solution for cancer cells
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000_Six indicators of physical health self-assessment
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